# Workspace
The workspace refers to the working directory where the software is developed.
Default IDE of choice by the main developer is Visual Studio Code (opens new window) and Chevere provides tooling and recommendations on how to configure this IDE.
# Assets
Templates and settings are at the .vscode/ (opens new window) folder.
# Template Snippets
Snippets (opens new window) in Visual Studio Code provide an easy way to define templates for code. It is a productivity tool that allows to cast source code typing keywords in the IDE.
Snippets provide this functionality for the IDE:
For the example above, the header comment and strict_types
declaration are automatic provided by the coding standard formatting.
# Extensions
This is a list of the extensions recommended when using Visual Studio Code for developing Chevere.
- PHP Intelephense (opens new window)
- PHP Namespace Resolver (opens new window)
- Run on Save (opens new window)
# Coding Standards Formatting
The coding standard can be automatic implemented on save by using Run on Save extension.
"runOnSave.commands": [
"match": "\\.php$",
"command": "php vendor/bin/ecs --config='.ecs/ecs.php' check ${file} --fix",
"runIn": "backend",
"runningStatusMessage": "ECS ${fileBasename}",
"finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} OK"
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