# Coding standard
The coding standard ensures cohesive syntax. We have created our own standard which can be automatically implemented in your project.
# Casing
for classes and interfacesSCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
for constantssnake_case
for HTTP parameters and database columnscamelCase
for everything else
# Code style
Code style is provided using EasyCodingStandard (opens new window), defined in the root ecs.php
file which extends ecs-chevere.php (opens new window).
# Implementing in your project
Install EasyCodingStandard with Composer:
composer require symplify/easy-coding-standard --dev
# Download code style
Run this to download/update the base code style:
mkdir -p .ecs && cd .ecs && curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chevere/code-style/main/.ecs/ecs-chevere.php
💡 For Chevere packages you can run composer update-cs
# .ecs/ecs.php
Create your .ecs/ecs.php
configuration (opens new window) file by importing the ecs-chevere.php
use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;
return static function (ECSConfig $ecsConfig): void {
$ecsConfig->import(__DIR__ . '/ecs-chevere.php');
__DIR__ . '/vendor/*',
# Custom header comment
Use a plain text file at .ecs/.header
to define the header comment for your coding standard:
This file is part of projectName.
(c) My Name <user@email-hostname>
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
# Format code style
To format code style, run:
vendor/bin/ecs --config='.ecs/ecs.php' check file.php --fix
Check the workspace documentation to configure automatic code formatting.
# Composer commands
Add the following scripts to your composer.json
"scripts": {
"cs:update": "mkdir -p .ecs && cd .ecs && curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chevere/code-style/main/.ecs/ecs-chevere.php",
"ecs": "vendor/bin/ecs --config='.ecs/ecs.php'",
"ecs:check": "composer ecs check",
"ecs:fix": "composer ecs check --fix"
# Typing
# Type hinting
- All parameters, properties, and return expressions must be type hinted
# Errors
Errors must be clear and concise, and must be evident where they came from.
- Markdown format
- One (1) line per error
# Code comments
Comments in logic should be used only in the following cases:
tags- Type hinting (for example, in loops)
# DocBlocks
DocBlock content should be short, relevant, and omit the obvious.
- Markdown format
should be avoided (prefer type hinting)
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