# DataStructure

# Summary

DataStructure provides Map and Vector data structures.

# Installing

DataStructure is available through Packagist (opens new window) and the repository source is at chevere/data-structure (opens new window).

composer require chevere/data-structure

# Map

A Map is a sequential collection of key-value pairs. Keys can be of type integer and string.

Create a Map by passing named arguments of any type.

use Chevere\DataStructure\Map;

$map = new Map(foo: $foo, bar: $bar);

# Put Map values

The withPut method is used to put value(s) to the Map.

$map = $map
        foo: $foo,
        bar: $bar

# Counting Map keys

The count method returns the number of keys mapped.

// 2

# Map keys

The keys method is used to retrieve the map keys as an array.

// ['foo', 'bar']

# Has Map keys

The has method is used to check if the Map contains the given key(s).

$map->has('foo'); // true
$map->has('notFound'); // false

# Assert has Map keys

The assertHas method is used to assert if the Map contains the given key(s). It throws an exception when failing to assert.


# Get Map value

The get method is used to retrieve the Map value for the given key.

$foo = $map->get('foo');
$bar = $map->get('bar');

# Vector

A Vector is a sequence of values of any type. Keys are of type integer.

Create a Vector by passing values.

use Chevere\DataStructure\Vector;

$vector = new Vector($value1, $value2,);

# Counting Vector keys

The count method returns the number of keys in the vector.

// 2

# Vector keys

The keys method is used to retrieve the map keys as an array.

// [0, 1]

# Push Vector values

The withPush method is used to add one or more elements to the end of the sequence.

$with = $vector->withPush($value,);

# Set Vector values

The withSet method is used to set the value at the given position.

$with = $vector->withSet(0, $value);

# Unshift Vector values

The withUnshift method is used to prepend one or more elements at the beginning of the sequence.

$with = $vector->withUnshift($value,);

# Insert Vector values

The withInsert method is used to insert values at a given position.

$with = $vector->withInsert($pos, ...$values);

# Remove Vector values

The withRemove method is used to remove one or more values at a given position.

$with = $vector->withRemove($pos,);

# Has Vector values

The has method is used to check if the Vector contains the given value(s).

$vector->has($value); // true
$vector->has($notFound); // false

# Assert Vector has values

The assertHas method is used to assert if the Vector contains the given value(s). It throws an exception when failing to assert.


# Get Vector value

The get method is used to retrieve the Vector value at the given position.

$value = $vector->get($pos);

# Find values

The find method is used to find the position for the given value.

$pos = $vector->find($value);

# Contains values

The contains method is used to check if the Vector contains the given value(s).

$vector->contains($value); // bool