# Action

# Summary

This software provides an object oriented convention around Parameter (opens new window).

# Installing

Action is available through Packagist (opens new window) and the repository source is at chevere/action (opens new window).

composer require chevere/action

# Quick start

Implement ActionInterface by using the Action trait or by extending Action abstract.

# Creating actions

# Use ActionTrait

Create an action by using ActionTrait.

use Chevere\Action\Interfaces\ActionInterface;
use Chevere\Action\Traits\ActionTrait;

class MyAction implements ActionInterface
    use ActionTrait;
    // ...

# Extend Action

Create an Action by extending Action.

use Chevere\Action\Action;

class MyAction extends Action
    // ...

# Main method

Use the main method to determine your action's main logic. Use attributes from chevere/parameter (opens new window) on arguments and method return to add validation rules.

  • Before validation rules:
class MyAction
    protected function main(
        string $value
    ): int
        return mb_strlen($value) * 5;
  • After validation rules:
use Chevere\Action\Action;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;

class MyAction extends Action
        new IntAttr(min: 0, max: 100)
    protected function main(
        string $value
    ): int {
        return mb_strlen($value) * 5;

# Using actions

Invoke action's main logic passing the arguments you would pass to main. Action internal runtime will validate arguments and return against all defined rules.

💡 You can toy with this by running php demo/demo.php

$action = new MyAction();
$result = $action('ok muy bueno');

# Advanced use

# Return method

For validating return beyond the limitations of PHP's attributes you can define Action's return() method. In this context you can use and remix any Parameter function (opens new window).

use Chevere\Action\Interfaces\ParameterInterface;
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

public static function return(): ParameterInterface
    return string();

You can also forward parameter resolution to a callable by using CallableAttr:

use Chevere\Action\Attributes\CallableAttr;
use Chevere\Action\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

function myCallable(): StringParameterInterface
    return string();

    new CallableAttr('myCallable')
protected function main(): string
    return 'chevere';

# Custom main method

Override Action's mainMethod to define a custom main method to use.

public static function mainMethod(): string
    return 'altMain';

# Controller

The Controller component is a special type of Action in charge of handling incoming instructions. Its main method only takes parameters of type string.

Controller is intended to use them wired to:

  • Web Servers
  • CLI applications
  • Application runners

# Defining a Controller

A Controller implements the ControllerInterface. You can extend Controller to quick create a compliant Controller:

use Chevere\Action\Controller;

class SomeController extends Controller
    // ...

# Main Parameters

Parameters are defined in the main method but it just takes strings.

public function main(
    string $pepito,
    string $paysTwice
): array
    // ...

# Parameter Attributes

Use StringAttr to validate string:

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;

public function main(
    string $pepito,
    string $paysTwice
): array
    // ...