# Interfaces spec

Interfaces describe the public methods implemented by a given class. In Chevere, all components must define their own interface.

# Conventions

Interfaces must:

  • Define a descriptive name
  • Be named with the Interface suffix
  • Be located in the Chevere/<component>/Interfaces namespace

# Design

# Uniqueness

Each interface should describe a unique public procedure that may be implemented by one or several classes.

# Typing

Parameters and return types must be typed against a scalar or an interface.

Parameters and return types should not be typed against concrete implementations.

# Method naming

# Accessors

Accessors refer to methods that access an object property.

Accessors must be nouns and named as the property they retrieve. For example, the method something should be used to retrieve the value of $this->something.

public function something(): string;

Accessors = nouns

# Actions

Actions refer to when the object must do something. These actions could return anything or just void.

A verb should be prefixed for any given action. For example, getSome, setValue, or doStuff.

Actions = verbs

In the example below, we do the evolution.

public function doTheEvolution(): void;

# Immutables

Refer to Immutability Standard.

Immutables refer to methods that return an altered copy of the original object.

The with prefix should be used in immutable methods. For example, withSomething, withoutSomething, withAddedStuff, withRemovedStuff, etc.

Immutables = with*

# Conditionals

Conditionals refer to methods that return a boolean, usually for object flagging.

The is prefix must be used in methods returning bool.